Experience the Art of Storytelling
Led, run, and brought to life by teens—for the community!
🎭 Our Debut Stage Production: Arabian Nights
Click Here For Tickets! Order by 3/21!
The Arabian Nights is a collection of Middle Eastern and South Aisan folk tales woven together through the framing story of Queen Shahrazad.
Welcome to Kathamunch Teens!
Welcome to KathaMunch Teens! We are a student-led passionate community of young performers dedicated to bringing classical theatre to life. Through our productions, we celebrate cultural heritage, inspire creativity, and provide a platform for the next generation of storytellers.
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Are you passionate about theatre and storytelling? KathaMunch Teens is always looking for new talent and dedicated individuals to be part of our journey. Whether you love acting, directing, or helping behind the scenes, we welcome you to join our community!
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